Ein Plakat gegen Fremdenhass - Xenophobia -, und Gerüchte, nach Ende der Fußball-WM würden die Ausländer in Südafrika wieder eine schwere Zeit haben, hat auch Renate im Frühjahr in Kapstadt gehört. "Es geht wieder los - wie 2008!" Am vergangenen Wochenende gab es in den Townships von Kapstadt erste Ausschreitungen; ansonsten ist es bislang relativ ruhig geblieben. Hoffen wir, dass es so bleibt!
BBC-Korrespondent Andrew Harding hat sich unmittelbar nach dem WM-Finale in seinem Blog seine eigenen Gedanken über die Berichterstattung zu diesem Thema gemacht:
It's a sensitive subject for journalists to cover. There's a danger that we become part of the problem - whipping up hysteria, spreading rumours, and either fuelling violence or doing the work of those who simply want foreigners out of their communities. You'd be surprised how quickly a camera crew can become a magnet, or catalyst, for trouble - I've seen it several times myself.
But there's also as this commentator argues a danger in staying silent.
Personally I think the media here have got it just about right - raising questions, nudging the authorities to take preventative measures, and hopefully helping to make sure that South Africa's well-earned World Cup honeymoon does not end too abruptly.
But there's also as this commentator argues a danger in staying silent.
Personally I think the media here have got it just about right - raising questions, nudging the authorities to take preventative measures, and hopefully helping to make sure that South Africa's well-earned World Cup honeymoon does not end too abruptly.
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